Are You a Fresh Graduate?

Krutika Kavishwar
4 min readJun 13, 2021

Most of us remember the first organization we worked for but how many can recollect the first day of office? June 6, 2021, was my 8th work anniversary. I have come a long way from being a gullible timid kid to a strong independent thinker with the confidence of a falcon’s flight.

Many of my classmates were sure of their career paths. I was among those lots who didn’t know, yet I knew where my interests lied. I completed my graduation with a Bachelor of Mass Media (Specialization in Advertising). As I was ready to enter the corporate world I had several options in front of me and I was confused about which role to apply for. This limbo is not only in advertising but in all fields. I think each one’s journey will take them to a different road but I will give you some tips to make sure you climb the ladder faster.

Photo by Vasily Koloda on Unsplash

1. Grow Out Of Your Comfort Zone

I stayed almost 4 years in my first workplace, I learned a lot, made mistakes but it took me a lot of courage to get out of my comfort zone and move on to the next organization. Your first job might quickly make you comfortable and in fear of facing the change, you might want to stick longer.

Don’t stay more than 2 years in your first job. Move quickly to the next role before it makes you feel comfortable. This is purely to explore market opportunities and for financial growth. Once you find your ideal role and organization you can stay there for a longer duration and focus on growing there.

2. Keep In Touch

So far, I have been in 3 organizations and have met thousands of people yet I have only 267 connections on LinkedIn. On average a person has 930 connections on LinkedIn.

Always keep in touch with your previous colleagues and HR team. While you are in the organization build a rapport with as many people as possible. As you move on to the next company so do they. Don’t hesitate to check with ex-colleagues for job openings in their new organization.

3. Define The Line

On average you will have 12 social interactions in a day. Most of which are with your colleagues. It is easy to cross the fine line between colleagues and friends considering you spend 8 hours a day with them. One often turns to colleagues for a professional opinion in a stressful situation. Make sure you give your opinion instead of forcing it on them. Let the final decision be your colleague’s.

4. Work-Life Balance

I saw people kept talking about work-life balance but for most of it, I wasn’t ready. I was eager to prove myself to the world and give in all my focus towards my work. This feeling is quite common when you first start working.

If something has taught me over these years it’s work-life balance. Nothing is bigger than your mental peace and health. A lot of people tell you to keep work out of your mind once you are out of the office. It is difficult to practice but for start don’t work after office hours. Meet friends, chill at home, watch a movie, spend time with family. Make this a habit as the next day will be a refresher and your energies will bounce back to the same level.

Photo by Jared Rice on Unsplash

5. Stop Giving Excuses

Delays, mistakes, miss outs can happen while you are working. Not at all times you would be to blame but be responsible and own them. I have made my share of mistakes.

Making mistakes is not bad but what you do after making one defines who you are, learn to own them. Don’t give excuses as excuses can be more annoying to your manager than the mistake done. Take ownership and suggest a solution for the damage done.

These are some of the key things you should keep in mind while entering the corporate world. I believe these 5 are fundamental, there could be more and I would love to hear from you. Write down your tips in the comments section below.



Krutika Kavishwar

Marketing Manager specialises in creative communication & conceptualising startup product. Loves reading, gardening & cooking.